How Does ITSM and ITOM Work Together?

Imagine you are sitting at a service desk, your prime objective is to resolve an incident as quickly and efficiently as possible and retain the customer. But, if you’re running into unavoidable technical issues, resulting in causing frustration to customers or clients, it’s high time to invest in the right tools. That’s where ITSM and ITOM come in, and these play an important role in the  organization’s growth and agility. 

IT Service Management (ITSM) and IT operations Management (ITOM) are the two particular terms  popular among IT experts. They are similar yet different. An integrated ITSM + ITOM solution  can generate maximum business value and greater efficiency for the organization. So, what exactly is ITSM and ITOM? How do they work together and what are the benefits to the company while getting an  integrated solution? Well, this blog covers all the above questions. 

Before we dive in, let’s cover all the basic definitions of ITSM and ITOM. 

How do ITSM and ITOM work?

IT Service Management (ITSM)

ITSM refers to the strategic approach through which organizations manage and deliver IT services to their end-users. It involves designing, delivering, managing and improving how businesses use IT facilities. ITSM software enables  entirely discrete activities and processes from service management to change management, problem and incident management, knowledge management and software & hardware asset management


IT Operations Management (ITOM)

ITOM is defined as the process of managing all technological components and application requirements of an organization. In simple terms, it incorporates activities responsible for the seamless execution of IT infrastructure and its applications, services, storage, networking and connecting elements within an organization.

Now, that you have an idea about ITSM and ITOM concepts and how they work individually, let’s understand the difference between them. 

Difference Between ITSM and ITOM

The basic difference between ITSM and ITOM is that ITSM focuses on how services are delivered by IT asset teams and how it is more visible and end-user centric. On the other hand, ITOM concentrates on event management, performance monitoring and the processes or procedures involved to handle IT teams and their internal operations. 

However, ITSM and ITOM are intimately interlinked even though they have different sets of activities. An organization could have one without the other, but with an integrated solution,  both the tasks can be managed in a coordinated, collaborative and integrated way to lead to better efficiency and execution of tasks. 

After understanding that an integration of ITSM and ITOM enables an organization to generate maximum business value and drive more efficiency. Now, an obvious question is – How can the combined approach of ITSM and ITOM benefit a business? Well, here are some of the advantages listed below:-

Benefits of Integrating ITSM and ITOM

  • Improves Visibility

Integrating ITSM and ITOM offers improved visibility of the  organization’s data center and IT assets by streamlining its operations with everyday business decisions. 

  • Increases Operational Efficiency

Automate previously fragmented services and operations, which enhances the IT team’s accountability and in turn, increases operational efficiency. 

  • Real-time Analysis

It analyzes trends in real-time to plan strategic activities and also helps in making informed decisions for the growth of an organization. 

  • Promotes Security 

a A combined ITSM and ITOM approach, enables the organization to get complete access to assets, endpoints and vulnerabilities, enabling  multi layered securities. 

  • Faster Adaptability 

Integration of ITSM & ITOM allows responding to changes faster and minimizing risks as it supports better coordination between the IT teams and systems.

  • Cost Savings

Leveraging automation and more effective resolutions by integrating ITSM and ITOM, cuts down the major costs. 

Key Takeaways 

You may have now realized that although both the solutions can work separately, it’s better to align them together for maximizing business value and agility. The combination approach may be  revolutionary for businesses to support IT maturity and end-user experience. 

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