In the business world, customer service is key. Businesses need to have a well-run contact center to provide the best possible service to customers. There are two types of contact centers that enterprises can choose from – an omnichannel contact center or a multi-channel contact center. So, what’s the difference between the two?  

An omnichannel contact center is one that allows customers to reach out through multiple channels, such as phone, email, chat, or social media. The advantage of an omnichannel contact center is that it provides customers with multiple options for how they can reach out, which can be crucial in today’s fast-paced world.  

A multi-channel contact center, on the other hand, is a contact center that allows customers to reach out through multiple channels, but only one at a time. For example, a customer could call the contact center and then be transferred to chat if they wanted to. The advantage of a multi-channel contact center is that it can provide a more personal touch to customer service, as agents can focus on one customer at a time. So, which type of contact center is right for your business?

It really depends on your business’s needs. An omnichannel contact center might be a good choice if you need to provide fast and efficient customer service. A multi-channel contact center might be a better choice if you want to give a more personal touch to your customer service. 

However, choosing between Omnichannel and Multi-channel contact centers can be challenging. Here, we will explore both in detail and provide answers to make a choice easier.  

What is omnichannel customer service? 

Omnichannel customer service describes a consistent, seamless customer experience across all channels of customer service, i.e., from the initial contact with a company to post-purchase follow-up and support. An omnichannel customer service strategy should take into account all the different ways customers can interact with a company, including in-person, online, over the phone, and through social media. A company that provides omnichannel customer service will have systems and processes in place to ensure that each customer interaction is consistent, regardless of the channel used.  

Omnichannel vs multi-channel contact center

What is a multi-channel contact center?  

A multi-channel contact center is a call center that can handle customer inquiries and complaints through multiple communication channels. This type of contact center may include phone, email, chat, and social media. A multi-channel contact center can provide a more holistic view of the customer experience and offer a more seamless customer service experience.  

The benefits of a multi-channel approach are that it gives customers more options for contacting a company and allows companies to reach more customers through different channels. A multi-channel approach can also help companies improve their customer service. By offering multiple channels, companies can provide a better customer experience by allowing customers to choose the channel they are most comfortable with. Additionally, a multi-channel approach can help companies resolve issues more quickly, as customers can contact a company through the most convenient channel.  

Overall, a multi-channel customer service approach can benefit both companies and customers. Companies can reach more customers and provide a better customer experience, while customers can choose the channel that they are most comfortable with. However, multi-channel and omnichannel customer centers have a few distinct differences. 

Omnichannel vs. Multi-channel contact center 

​​Omnichannel and multi-channel contact centers are similar in that they both use multiple channels to communicate with customers. The difference is that an omnichannel contact center uses all channels to create a seamless customer experience. In contrast, a multi-channel contact center uses multiple channels but does not necessarily integrate them and has customer engagement working in silos.  

Omnichannel Multi-channel 
Provide customers with a unified experience across all channels. Provide customers with individual experiences on each channel. 
Use a single database to store information about customers. Store information in separate databases for each channel. 
Use a single CRM system to manage customer interactions. Use separate CRM systems for each channel. 
Have a single agent interface that provides access to all channels. Have separate interfaces for each channel. 
Route customer interactions to the most appropriate channel. Route interactions to the channel where the customer initiated contact. 
Allow agents to seamlessly transfer interactions between channels. Require agents to transfer interactions between channels manually. 

Essentially, Omnichannel contact centers provide customers with a consistent experience regardless of the channel they use, while multi-channel contact centers provide different experiences on each channel. 

Why is omnichannel support important for your customers? 

Omnichannel support provides a consistent experience for customers regardless of how they choose to interact with your company. A consistent experience is the focus here. 


  • Omnichannel support gives customers the flexibility to reach out to your company through the channels that are most convenient for them.  
  • Omnichannel support helps to build customer loyalty by providing a consistent, positive experience across all channels.  
  • Omnichannel support can help to increase sales by making it easier for customers to purchase products and services through the channels they prefer.  
  • Omnichannel support can help to reduce customer support costs by providing a more efficient way to handle customer inquiries and requests. 

Benefits of omnichannel customer service 

There are several benefits of omnichannel customer service, which can help improve customer loyalty and retention.  

  • Increased customer satisfaction: Customers are more likely to be satisfied with their overall experience when they can receive help and support through their preferred channels.  
  • Improved first contact resolution: By offering omnichannel support, businesses can ensure that customers can always reach a live agent who can help resolve their issues.  
  • Reduced customer effort: Customers can easily get the help they need without having to repeat themselves or search for contact information across multiple channels.  
  • Increased sales and revenue: Businesses can increase sales and revenue by providing a seamless and positive customer experience.  
  • Improved brand reputation and loyalty: Omnichannel customer service can help improve a business’s brand reputation and loyalty. 

Customer service must be all about offering a rich customer experience in today’s customer-centric world, where expectations continuously change. Businesses striving to reach their customers and retain them while trying to increase their customer reach will do well to understand the best approach to take. Customer loyalty can be hard won and quickly lost if businesses don’t connect with them and engage meaningfully. Understanding the pulse of today’s customers will go a long way to planning your customer service strategy. To ensure that you adopt the best approach, ask yourself a couple of questions. 

What is a multi-channel contact center?  

A multi-channel contact center is a customer service center equipped to handle customer interactions across multiple channels. This may include phone, email, web chat, social media, and more. The goal of a multi-channel contact center is to provide a strong customer experience, regardless of the channel the customer is using. A multi-channel contact center typically has a robust customer relationship management (CRM) system in place that allows agents to view the customer’s complete history and interact with them, regardless of the channel. This helps ensure that the customer feels valued and that their needs are met.


One of the challenges of a multi-channel contact center is managing the increased volume of customer interactions. Another challenge is maintaining a consistent customer experience across all channels. To do this, contact centers need to have well-trained agents familiar with all the channels and how to use them. Overall, a multi-channel contact center can be a valuable asset for any company that wants to provide excellent customer service. By being able to interact with customers on their preferred channel, companies can build strong relationships and create loyalty. 

Why is it important to have an Omnichannel approach to Customer Service? 

We are fast approaching a stage where most customer service interactions will be handled without human intervention. The way businesses provide customer service is changing, and they need to change with it. One of the most critical changes companies need to make is to adopt an omnichannel approach to customer service, i.e., providing customer service through a variety of channels, including phone, email, live chat, and social media. There are several reasons why an omnichannel approach is becoming more of an imperative.  

  • First, it allows businesses to reach more customers.  
  • Second, it provides a better customer experience by making it easier for customers to get the help they need.  
  • Third, it allows businesses to save money by reducing the need for customer service representatives.  

An omnichannel approach to customer service is not only important for businesses but also for customers. Customers expect customer service through various channels, and they are more likely to do business with those who do. Companies that adopt an omnichannel approach to customer service will be better positioned to succeed in the future. 

Wrapping up 

Omnichannel and multi-channel are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but there is a big difference between the two. Omnichannel is a holistic approach to customer service that considers all the different channels that a customer might use to reach out, including phone, email, social media, chat, and more. On the other hand, Multichannel is a more piecemeal approach that focuses on each channel individually. So, what’s the difference between omnichannel and multi-channel?

The most significant difference is that omnichannel takes a holistic view of the customer journey, while multi-channel focuses on each channel individually. Omnichannel also requires more coordination between different departments, while multi-channel can be siloed. Clearly,  omnichannel is the way of the future in customer service, providing a more seamless and consistent customer experience and leading to better outcomes.