The Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sector operates within a highly complex and regulated environment, where every operation must be planned and executed to ensure seamless service delivery and regulatory compliance.

Hence, managing IT operations involves dealing with interconnected systems that span across various departments and functions, each with its own set of protocols and requirements. These systems are often a mix of legacy infrastructures and modern technologies.

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Common Workflow Challenges Faced By BFSI Companies

Tough-to-integrate legacy systems

Tough-to-integrate legacy systems |

Many BFSI companies still rely on legacy systems that are deeply embedded in their operational fabric. Integrating these outdated systems with modern technologies requires extensive customization and can lead to compatibility issues, complicating workflow management.

Example: A bank using an old COBOL-based mainframe system may face challenges when trying to integrate it with a new CRM platform. Specialized middleware and extensive testing will be required to ensure seamless operation.

Improper data management

BFSI companies handle vast amounts of data, including customer information, financial transactions, and regulatory records. Ensuring data integrity, security, and accessibility across various platforms and systems adds layers of complexity to IT workflows.

Example: An insurance company managing claims data across multiple databases must implement stringent data synchronization processes. It ensures that all records are consistent and up-to-date, which involves complex ETL (extract, transform, load) operations and data governance policies.

Inconsistent regulatory compliance

The industry is subject to stringent regulatory requirements that require careful documentation, regular audits, and adherence to standardized processes. These regulations vary across regions and can change frequently, requiring continuous updates to workflows and processes.

Example: A multinational bank must comply with both the GDPR in Europe and the CCPA in California, which involves regularly updating data privacy policies, maintaining detailed audit trails, etc.

Deep security concerns

Protecting sensitive financial and personal data is massively important. IT workflows must incorporate security measures to prevent data breaches, detect anomalies, and ensure compliance with cybersecurity standards, making workflow design and execution more complex.

Example: A financial services firm might implement multi-factor authentication (MFA), encryption, and real-time monitoring tools to safeguard online banking transactions. It adds multiple layers of security protocols that need to be integrated into existing IT workflows.

Lack of high availability

BFSI companies must operate with high availability and reliability, as downtime can lead to financial losses and damage to customer trust. Ensuring continuous operation requires automated workflows for monitoring, rapid incident response, and effective resource management.

Example: An investment firm running high-frequency trading platforms must use automated failover systems and real-time health checks. That way, their trading systems remain operational at all times.

Almost half (45%) of bank decision-makers are planning to invest in AI-enabled automation and workflow optimization to meet customer demands for digitalization and drive efficiency.

How AI-Enabled Workflow Automation Helps BFSI Companies

How AI-Enabled Workflow Automation Helps BFSI Companies
  • Streamlined operations: AI-enabled workflow automation can simplify complex ITOps workflows by automating repetitive tasks and processes. This streamlining reduces the workload on IT staff, empowering them to focus on strategic activities. For example, automation tools can handle tasks such as data entry, system monitoring, and routine maintenance, leading to more efficient operations.
  • Enhanced accuracy: Automation powered by AI minimizes human error by ensuring that tasks are performed consistently and accurately. It is important in data management and compliance processes, where inaccuracies can lead to costly issues. AI algorithms can verify data integrity, cross-check records, and ensure that all regulatory requirements are met.
  • Improved incident response: AI-driven automation can enhance incident response by quickly identifying and addressing issues. Machine learning algorithms can analyze system logs, detect anomalies, and trigger automated responses to mitigate potential problems.  This rapid response helps maintain system availability and reduces the impact of incidents on operations.
  • Cost reduction: By automating routine and time-consuming tasks, BFSI companies can reduce operational costs. Automation decreases the need for manual intervention, lowering labor costs and freeing up resources for other critical tasks. Additionally, AI-driven insights can optimize resource allocation, further reducing expenses.
  • Scalability and flexibility: AI-enabled automation solutions can scale with the growing needs of the BFSI industry. As the volume of data and transactions increases, automation tools can adapt to handle the additional workload without requiring major changes to existing workflows. It ensures that operations remain smooth even as the company grows.

10 ITOps Workflows in BFSI That Can Be Automated

  • Customer onboarding: Automating the customer onboarding process, including document verification and data entry, can reduce the time and effort required to enroll new clients.
  • Transaction monitoring: AI can continuously monitor financial transactions for unusual patterns or potential fraud, triggering alerts and initiating investigations automatically.
  • Compliance reporting: Automation tools can generate compliance reports, ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met and documented accurately.
  • Incident management: Automated incident management systems can detect, categorize, and respond to IT incidents, reducing response times and mitigating the impact on operations.
  • Backup and recovery: Automating data backup and recovery processes ensures that critical data is regularly backed up and can be quickly restored in case of system failures.
  • Patch management: AI-driven automation can manage software patching, ensuring that all systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.
  • Performance monitoring: Continuous monitoring of system performance using AI can detect potential issues and optimize resource usage to maintain reliability.
  • User access management: Automating user access management ensures that access permissions are granted and revoked as needed, enhancing overall security.
  • Data integration: AI-enabled tools can automate the integration of data from various sources, ensuring consistency and accuracy across different systems.
  • Risk assessment: Automated risk assessment tools can evaluate potential risks and vulnerabilities, providing actionable insights to improve compliance.

Related blog: A Complete Guide on Workflow Automation for 2024

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