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Customer Success

  1. Customer Success
Did you know that according to the book Marketing Metrics, the probability of selling to an existing customer is between 60- 70%, compared to only 5 – 20% for a new prospect? And according to InMoment, 77% of customers have lasting relationships with particular companies that last up to 10 years. Yet, in marketing, customer acquisition has long […]
  1. Customer Success
Many factors—some justified, some not—cause customers to become rude or angry. As a customer service representative, you will probably encounter irritated or angry customers from time to time because you are in business to serve your customers. 95% of dissatisfied customers share their negative experiences with others personally or through social media/review sites. So, knowing how […]
  1. Customer Success
As the adage goes, “A happy customer tells a friend; an unhappy customer tells the world”- the negative impact of an unhappy customer is far more significant than the positive impact of a happy customer.  No matter how amazing your products or services are, some customers will inevitably experience issues. That is an inescapable fact […]
  1. Customer Success
Have you ever heard of a customer with their queries unanswered and concerns unaddressed, talking about how good the product/service of a business is? Probably not, right? No matter how excellent a company’s product/service is, it will lose out on business if its customer service is not up to the mark.  However, even businesses with […]
  1. Customer Success
In today’s highly competitive world of SaaS solutions and B2B services, the phrases “Customer Success” and “Customer Support” are tossed about like cards on a poker table.  Both are necessary for a company’s or brand’s success. Customer success and customer support differ in their approach: one is proactive, while the other is reactive.  Using these […]
  1. Customer Success
As a business owner, you’re well aware of the numerous IT challenges that your company faces. But sometimes, it’s easy to forget just how important and how crucial it is to overcome them until it’s too late. After all, IT can be a double-edged sword; the very systems used to streamline your business operations can […]