Infraon SecuRA

  1. Infraon SecuRA
  2. Risk Management
  3. Zero Trust Security
As IT infrastructures become more complex, the responsibilities of IT managers expand exponentially. Their role is akin to a tightrope walker, balancing the need for innovation with the imperative of security. From spotting system vulnerabilities to preparing for unexpected setbacks, the IT manager’s world is one of vigilance and foresight. Zero-trust is an approach to […]
  1. Remote Access
  2. Infraon SecuRA
Remote access is the mechanism through which authorised users can access a secure network from an offsite location. It is done by using remote access software. The authorised personnel can gain access to files and other different resources on any device at any time. Importance of Remote Access Software Remote access software has become crucial, especially […]
  1. Remote Access
  2. Infraon SecuRA
Today, organizations are relying on digital transformation more than ever before. Hence, remote technologies are no longer luxury items to enhance business efficiency. They have become critical to keep youroperations up and running without system disruptions or financial and reputational losses! Especially in this COVID-influenced climate of ‘work from home’ expectations, remote software ensures that […]