Customer Service Featured Best practices for effective customer feedback management Customer feedback management (CFM) collects, analyzes, and responds to customer feedback. It is a crucial part of customer experience management and helps businesses to improve their products, services, and overall customer experience. There are many different ways to collect customer feedback, including surveys, customer interviews, focus groups, and customer comment cards. Once feedback is collected, […] Written by Harshvardhan Thakur November 17, 2022December 30, 2024
Featured Change Management Models Channel sales Content Management vs. Knowledge Management 2025 Content management and knowledge management may seem like interchangeable terms and are often used as such. However, there are noticeable differences. Simply put, knowledge is more about gathering information and building a knowledge base and is more abstract. It is the know-how that resides in an organization. On the other hand, content in a business […] Written by Soumya Nandhakumar November 16, 2022December 30, 2024
Editor's choice Featured Infraon Story How I went from a UX designer to starting two companies that solve the biggest ITOps challenges In 2005, I started my career as a UX designer. A few years in, I was fiercely passionate about the little things that made a piece of software friendly and usable. Before working on the designs, I wanted to understand how the product works and what it could potentially do for the customer. I felt […] Written by Arun Prasath R July 11, 2022February 18, 2025