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Incident Management 

Increase collaboration and accelerate resolutions for rapid response.

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Manage and resolve incidents blazingly-fast with Gen AI

Infraon ITSM’s incident management feature equips different teams to collaborate, track, and resolve incidents quickly and accurately. Use Gen AI-based workspace workflows to identify, log, and prioritize incidents and auto-assign them based on business impact.

Get clarity on the severity and priority levels and ensure prompt responses.

Key Incident Management Features

Incident Logging & Auto-Assigning

Infraon ITSM logs incidents through email and auto-assigns these to agents based on skill and availability. Resolve up to 80% of the tickets in a single click. Use automated collaborative workflows of the Infraon Workspace module to avoid delays that disrupt the workspace and impact user satisfaction.

Gen AI-Based Incident Diagnosis

Infraon ITSM helps categorize incidents and prioritize them with the power of Gen AI. Auto-escalate if the SLAs are not met and easily resolve incidents. Deploy a self-service portal for users to raise tickets and track statuses.

Collaborative Knowledge Base

Infraon ITSM helps create an integrated Gen AI-driven knowledge base that acts as an intuitive and centralized repository of information. Get quick solutions to common issues and inquiries and increase the adoption of the knowledge base through visual elements.

Gen AI-Powered Dashboard

Infraon ITSM offers an intuitive and fully automated dashboard – offering full visibility into the incident management process. Tap into the power of Gen AI to send alerts about incidents and track anomalies in real time while discovering root causes for the incident.

Other Incident Management Highlights

  • Mobile Accessibility

  • Reporting & Analytics

  • Self-Service Portal

  • Custom Alerts

  • Custom Workflows

  • Custom Roles

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Incidents can crop up at any time and from unexpected sources, causing unplanned interruptions in service quality. These incidents must be managed promptly to prevent downtime and unhappy customers. Managing the incident is imperative to restoring IT services and reducing the impact of disruptions on business.

The objective is to restore normalcy in service operations as quickly as possible, and minimize the impact of unforeseen incidents so that your business continues to fulfil the SLA as agreed.

Service disruptions because of incidents can harm the business's reputation and the bottom line. Therefore, it is necessary to manage incidents through an efficient process, to respond to and resolve incidents promptly. Incident management solutions can keep you from deviating from SLAs, reduce manual tasks and human errors, and cut down service desk's workloads, thereby improving service quality and ROI.

Proactive in identifying incidents

Streamlined business operations

Increased productivity

Consistent service quality

Enhanced customer satisfaction