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Event Management

Use AI-driven collaborative workflows to fully
manage events

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Elevate your workspace’s service  availability with AI 

Infraon ITSM’s event management feature brings together multiple teams to manage all events in your workspace using a single AI-powered tool.

Access, publish and download event data ‘anywhere, anytime’ to maintain regular business-critical operations. Enable API-based data collection and get valuable service context to control the event lifecycle.

Key Event Management Features

Amplify Event Management

Infraon ITSM puts your ITOPs teams in the driver’s seat of event management – equipping them to monitor specific event details, no matter where they occur in your workspace. You can swiftly generate reports and notifications to handle IT events effectively. Get a complete event detection system.

Enable Event Filtering  

Infraon ITSM offers adequate collaborative workflows for the right user to log every IT event in a single source of truth. You can use customizable fields for easy access and enable high-quality correlation to reduce the overall IT noise across your workspace’s technology ecosystem. 

Extract Event Insights 

Infraon ITSM empowers your teams to drive quicker resolutions for events with its AI-based collaboration feature. Your teams can prioritize IT issues with advanced root cause analysis while unearthing data-backed service context. 

Other Event Management Features

  • Custom Reports

  • Custom Alerts 

  • Event Correlation 

  • Preventive Action 

  • Outage Tracking

  • Alert Noise Reduction

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