
Workflow Automation

Automate key support workflows

Streamline collaboration and communication

Harness advanced Gen AI features

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Our Clients

Leverage Gen AI Workflows To Boost Customer & Agent Experiences

Infraon Helpdesk makes support automation a breeze with advanced prebuilt workflows, including ticket creation, assignment, resolution, etc. It helps remove the need for manual, repetitive activities and manage the ticketing process cost-effectively.

Hence, enterprises harness the power of Infraon Helpdesk to increase customer interaction quality and enable teams to focus on complex issues.

Feature Highlights

Automated Business Rules

Harness the power of CRM data to streamline support and sales operations, boosting operational performance and customer engagement. Organize how you use data and make smarter decisions while minimizing manual errors.

Start automating workflows and tasks based on criteria and triggers to deliver personalized experiences. This way, responses can be customized as per individual profiles and histories.

Gen AI-Enabled Monitoring

Leverage a super-intelligent monitoring system to focus on teamwork enhancement, driving faster ticket resolution. Identify bottlenecks in real time, predict potential delays, and enable proactive management of resources.

Let Gen AI reduce response times and improve team productivity in no time at all. This ensures smooth communication within and between teams, backed by actionable insights so that every team member can address issues promptly.

AI-based Auto-Assignment

Encourage cross-team collaboration by distributing support tickets based on expertise and availability. Provide dynamic response to fluctuating ticket volumes so that customer support teams remain responsive under all conditions.

Streamline the support process while aligning with organizational goals, ensuring a balanced workload among team members. This also prevents burnout and advocates for optimal use of resources.

AI-based Auto-Suggestion

Resolve customer issues across various interaction points by analyzing customer data. Empower agents by providing them with quick access to information, reducing resolution times and elevating the quality of customer interactions.

Get custom auto suggestions so that customer concerns are addressed in the most preferred manner. This can be adapted to customer behavior over time, offering accurate and relevant suggestions.

Other Features

  • Gen AI Accelerators

  • Exclusive Training Modules

  • AI-based Knowledge Base

  • KPI-based Dashboard

  • Custom Alerts

  • Custom Roles

  • Custom Fields

  • Scheduled Reports

Dashboards and reports for IT, Hardware, and Software Assets