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MSP Asset
Management Software

The comprehensive solution for streamlining
asset management to boost efficiency and
lower expenses

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What is MSP Asset Management Software?

MSP (Managed Service Provider) Asset Management Software is a comprehensive suite of solutions that helps MSPs deliver IT services to their clients by managing the technical and business aspects of their operations. 

The critical components of MSP software include Professional Services Automation (PSA) and Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM). Additionally, MSP software suites can feature modules for security, such as antivirus software. They also include administrative solutions, such as HR management, payroll, and contract management for part-time and freelance staff. These solutions enable MSPs to provide top-quality IT services to their clients and manage their operations more effectively.

Server management and application management

Benefits of MSP Asset Management Software

Increased Efficiency

Project management ensures that projects are finished on time by devising calendars and schedules that keep everyone on track and working towards the same objective.

Server management and application management
hardware asset management

Improved Accuracy

Project management enhances the quality control process by systematically ensuring that the project meets the desired standards and requirements. This involves implementing quality control procedures and testing protocols.

Enhanced Cost Management

Effective communication is critical to the success of any project. Project management fosters clear communication by establishing duties and responsibilities, providing progress updates, and resolving any difficulties that emerge.

Server management and application management
hardware asset management

Improved Client Satisfaction

Project management ensures that the appropriate people work on the right tasks at the right time by allocating resources efficiently. This helps to avoid resource over-allocation or under-utilization, which can result in delays and increased expenses.

Streamlined Reporting and Analytics

Through risk management, project management enables the identification of potential risks and establishing strategies to mitigate them. This helps minimize any issues that may arise during the project's execution and ensures that the project remains on track toward completion.

Server management and application management

Key Features of MSP Asset
Management Software


As MSPs expand their operations, automation capabilities will be critical in managing new and existing workloads. Agents can focus on critical issues when freed from routine tasks like device monitoring and upkeep. Automation enables companies to grow much faster while maintaining the standard of service they provide.

Reporting and Analytics

It is crucial to capture the right data in a presentable format that is easy to understand. MSP agents can analyze the data to improve their processes and more efficiently handle tasks. Periodic reports to clients are also valuable as they provide transparency and reassurance to clients that their IT assets are being managed effectively. 

Patch Management

Focusing on software patches to reduce risks takes up a significant part of an agent's day. An effective patch management system in your MSP tool will help you keep track of these requirements. Therefore, asset management software with a good patch management system allows you to recognize the right patch and provides data to help resolve future incidents.


The software should be able to integrate with other tools, such as PSA and RMM software, which will enable MSPs to handle their complete IT service delivery process from a single platform.

Security Management

The software should include security features such as antivirus software and security scans, allowing MSPs to swiftly and effectively identify and resolve security risks.

Key Features of MSP Asset
Management Software

Asset Discovery and Inventory Management

This feature provides a detailed record of each asset's hardware and software specifications. 

Reporting and Analytics

The software can produce reports on asset usage, status, and other key metrics, assisting MSPs in making data-driven decisions.

Asset Lifecycle Management

This feature monitors and manages each asset's lifecycle, including maintenance, upgrades, and disposal, ensuring efficient and effective asset management.

License Management

The software can assist in managing software licenses, ensuring compliance, and avoiding fines for excessive or insufficient use.

Security and Compliance

The software can detect possible security risks and vulnerabilities, allowing MSPs to take proactive steps to secure their customers' assets while remaining compliant with industry regulations.

Remote Asset Monitoring and Management

The software allows MSPs to monitor and manage assets virtually, decreasing the need for on-site trips and increasing efficiency.

Integration and Automation

The software can be integrated with other tools and systems used by MSPs, allowing for automation and process optimization.

Benefits of Infraon's
MSP Asset Management

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Enhances Compliance

By offering accurate and up-to-date information on IT assets and infrastructure, the software helps businesses comply with industry regulations and internal policies.

Enhances Scalability

The software is designed to scale to meet the demands of groups of all sizes, from small businesses to big enterprises.

Reduces Outages and Lowers Expenses

The software helps avoid downtime and upkeep costs by providing real-time tracking and notifications in case of issues such as hardware breakdowns and software upgrades.

Streamlines Processes

The software automates many routine IT administration duties, freeing staff time for more strategic activities.

Evaluate Project Performance

Evaluate project performance at the end of each phase and at the end of the project. Take advantage of this feedback to discover areas for improvement and make changes for future projects.

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