
IT Asset Lifecycle Management Software

Gain Full Reign of Your IT Assets with a Unified Source of Truth

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Why Should You Consider Choosing Infraon
IT Asset Lifecycle Management Software?

Smooth Integration

Our software seamlessly integrates with your existing IT infrastructure, guaranteeing a transition and minimal disruptions to your day-to-day operations. 

Tailored Workflows

Customize workflows to align with your organization's processes and requirements, ensuring the software adapts to your needs effortlessly.

Cost Solution

By optimizing asset utilization, preventing licensing expenses, and prolonging asset lifecycles, our software enables you to achieve substantial long-term cost savings.

Boosted Efficiency

Streamline tasks and administrative burdens, empowering your IT team to concentrate on initiatives that foster innovation. 

Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Compliance with software licensing agreements, industry regulations, and data security standards while effectively mitigating risks. 

Introducing Our Asset
Depreciation Calculator 📉

Optimize your financial planning with our latest tool!
Easily calculate asset depreciation and make informed
decisions for your business.

Click here to explore

Benefits of using Infraon's spare parts management system

IT Asset Requisition

Create PO requisitions, workflow, and approvals using no-code workflows that are also customizable

IT Asset Lifecycle Management

Utilize procurement, maintenance, depreciation, and disposal to monitor and manage your IT assets. 

IT Asset Transparency

Get control, visibility, and analysis of all IT assets with real-time discovery and automatic reconciliation to provide actionable asset data. 

IT Assets Compliance

Make your assets SOX compliant by branding them using RFID and barcodes to track your assets in real-time. 

IT Asset Repository 

Keep track of the location of stock, availability, lifecycle status, warranties, and AMCs for IT assets. 

Asset Discovery

Utilize automated discovery (agent-based, agentless, Active Directory-based) to monitor the availability and state of the IT environment. 

Integrated Ticketing

Integrate a built-in ticketing system with multi-channel support, intelligent self-service choices, and chatbots to unify IT ticket management. 

Agent-Based Discovery

Gain detailed insights into your IT assets and guarantee their availability and condition. 

IT Assets Catalogue

Gain visibility into purchased and assigned assets, stock levels, or purchase orders. 

Vendor Management

Track vendor performance for your IT assets, eliminate any opportunity for contract oversights, and guarantee complete transparency. 

Low Stock Warnings

Receive immediate alerts when there are low stock levels and avoid understocking. 

IT Assets History Tracking

Keep track of your IT assets based on historical information, such as the date of purchase, status, condition, etc. 

Asset Configuration

With a centralized configuration management database, you can keep track of asset utilization and targets. 

Asset Relocation

Using barcode/code support in web UI and mobile applications, track and detect assets that need to be relocated. 

Disposal of Assets

Track IT assets to determine when it's appropriate to dispose while keeping the necessary records. 

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