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Website Monitoring

Monitor all internal & public websites with intelligent alerting features

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Catch Downtimes And Incidents As They Happen In Real-Time

Infraon Uptime helps conduct 24x7 website monitoring checks to identify downtimes and incidents while sharing notifications in real-time. Use a smart monitoring platform to catch website outages in a matter of seconds.

Feature Highlights

End-To-End Website Monitoring

Monitor all internal & public websites with an easy & quick setup process to maximize site accessibility, as well as availability.

Insights-Backed Alerts

Receive timely alerts in case of website downtime or any other issues & prevent them before they turn into serious incidents.

Other Features

  • SSL/TLS Certificate Checks

  • FTP Monitoring

  • TCP/IP Port Availability

  • DNS Checks


Website performance monitoring is scrutinizing and monitoring the websites to show the most appropriate and essential content as fast as possible. It is directly related to WPO (Web Performance Optimization) and is fundamentally the science of keeping the internet experience smooth for everyone, 24/7. It includes loading the pages reasonably and consistently and not falling prey to unexpected downtimes.

We all know how irritating it gets to arrive at a website, and the pages take forever to load. As users, it is annoying, but it can be catastrophic for businesses.

It is crucial to examine and check your website’s performance to make the necessary improvements as and when needed because, just like any other business, you have invested a lot of time, money, and energy to develop your website and its related associations. So, with website performance monitoring, your website or web service can locate falling content, bottlenecks, slow third-party content, and get error screenshots and infrastructure issues.

Below are some of the reasons why WPM is important:

You can protect your brand’s image by constantly keeping a check on your site.

Regular website monitoring saves your business from losses.

Detect hackers immediately.

Keeps customers satisfied and happy.

Page load time: Page load time refers to the average time taken by the page to load. You must check if your website takes more time to load than usual. Here are some of the metrics to track while monitoring website performance:

Time to title: Time to title is the time taken by the page's title to load. Faster the loading better, the user experience.

Time to Start Render: Check for the time taken by the website to load the first element of your website.

Bounce rate: Keep a check on the bounce rate and inspect its reason. Monitoring the bounce rate helps you understand which page you need to work on.

Website performance monitoring is an evergrowing prototype mainly because the website performance is directly related to the business. It not just deals with the measurement of web services but goes way beyond that. Certain factors degrade the performance of your website. First, issues arise with files, size, and quantity. Then the system architecture is in trouble with user variables like device type, geographical locations, operating system, etc. But above all, slow speed is the primary cause of poor user experience.

This is when Website Performance monitoring comes to play. It collects information and works towards improving the speed of your website. It ultimately increases user satisfaction and reduces bounce rates.